

George Brecht, USA | 1924-2008

Book of the Tumbler on Fire (1978) [PDF, 314mb]

Ed. Henry Martin with interviews by Ben Vautier and Marcel Alocco, Henry Martin, Irmeline Lebeer, ... et al. With an anthology of texts by George Brecht / [edited by Gino Di Maggio and Henry Martin] (Multhipla Edizioni : Milan 1978).

""Brecht's oeuvre--the objects such as the ones gathered in the show, but also all his scores--is a collection of haiku. He understood the necessity of providing a single "poetic" frame for his entire production, which he began conceiving as a virtual "book" in 1964. Called The Book of the Tumbler on Fire, it has definite chapters (such and such series of events, such and such exhibition, such and such anthology of scores) and even footnotes (all "Chair events")." -- Yve-Alain Bois

Chance Imagery (1966, Great Bear Pamphlet, Something Else Press)
[PDF, 676k]


George Brecht in UbuWeb Film
"Word Event" (1961)
"Three Aqueous Events" (1961)
"Chair Event"