

David Antin, USA (1932-2016)

Autobiography (1967, Great Bear Pamphlet, Something Else Press) [PDF, 580k]

In Place of a Lecture: Three Musics for Two Voices (with Eleanor Antin)

(from Aspen 8)

David Antin is a poet, critic and performance artist, whose books include Definitions (1967), Autobiography (1967), Code of Flag Behavior (1968), Meditations (1971), Talking (1972 & 2001), After the War (A Long Novel with Few Words) (1973), Dialogue (1980), Tuning (1984), Selected Poems 1963-1973 (1991) and What It Means to be Avant-Garde (1993). His most recent book, from Granary, is A Conversation with David Antin, a dialogue with Charles Bernstein, from the Review of Contemporary Fiction, published as part of their special Antin issue.