The legendary underground filmmaker Nick Zedd returns with this fantastic account of the titular death of performance artist Muffinhead. Directed by Nick Zedd. Starring Muffinhead and Anaïs Djin. Produced by Kenneth Filmer, costumes by Muffinhead, effects and animation by Nouri Zander, and cinematography by Kyle Parsons. Music by Exploded View.
This is the online premiere of "The Death of Muffinhead," about which Nick says:
"""Working with Muffinhead and the team... was the best filmmaking experience of my life. In a limited time frame we got together, came up with great ideas and finished two films that broke creative barriers and made history. Muffinhead is a genius. His creative vision, along with the efficient support of [the team] inspired me to make my best film ever, 'The Death of Muffinhead.'"
This film is courtesy of Kholaris (