
Andy Warhol (1928-1987)

Films by Andy Warhol

Sleep (1963)
Screen Tests (1963-66)
Soap Opera (1964)
Eat (1964)
Mario Banana #1 (1964)
Henry Geldzahler (1964)
Inner and Outer Space (1965)
Paul Swan (1965)
Kitchen (1966)
The Nude Restaurant (1967)
My Hustler (1965)
Vinyl (1965)
Chelsea Girls (1966)
The Velvet Underground In Boston (1967)

Documentaries, Interviews, etc.

Award Presentation to Andy Warhol Directed by (1964)
Andy Warhol Directed by Marie Menken (1965)
WNET, USA Arts Interview (1966)
Andy Warhol in Antonella Branca's film "What's Happening?" (1967)
Filmmakers (1969), dir. Takahiko Iimura
Warhol (1973) Directed by David Bailey
WARHOL's CINEMA - A Mirror for the Sixties (Documentary) (1989)
Chelsea Girls with Andy Warhol (1971-76), Directed by Michel Auder
Andy Warhol (Documentary, dir. Lana Jokel) (1973)
Andy Warhol's Fight ( dir. Vincent Freemont) (1973)
Scenes of the Life Of Andy Warhol (dir. Jonas Mekas) (1982)
The Cars: Hello Again [Music Video] (1984)
Superstar: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol dir. Chuck Workman (1990)
Absolut Warhola Documentary, dir. Stanislaw Mucha (2001)

Andy Warhol in UbuWeb Sound