Sound & Syntax International Festival of Sound Poetry (1978)
Sound & Syntax International Festival of Sound Poetry (1978), CCA Glasgow - Henri Chopin
From Syntax International Festival of Sound Poetry (1978)

Playing of two recorded sound-poetry pieces by Henry Chopin. Same setting as Tape 118. Begins with Chopin on stage, wearing a shirt and jacket. He plays a recorded piece, gesticulating regularly and enthusiastically, presumably to the sound man to adjust the levels. Looks as though he is conducting an orchestra. Seems to adjust filters on the tape-machine and the voice in the recording is manipulated in various ways. After about 13 minutes the 1st piece ends and Chopin introduces the 2nd, explaining how it was inspired by an accident his wife had with a lorry. The piece is similar in length and format to the 1st, with Chopin adjusting the tape-machine, this time with a cigarette in his mouth. The camera work is continuous throughout with some zooming and close-ups. After the 2nd piece finishes, Chopin says a few words to the audience and the tape ends.

The French poet Henri Chopin worked across a diverse spectrum of electronic and print media, employing tape recorders and manipulated voices in his performances. He founded OU magazine and later Cinquieme Saison, both magazines notable for including recordings, texts, images, screenprints and multiples.

Henri Chopin in UbuWeb Film
Henri Chopin in UbuWeb Sound