Michael Smith b. 1951
Take Off Your Pants Prologue (2005)
For this, their fourth large-scale collaboration, Smith and White have built a nonsensical, revolving six-sided kiosk that serves as a relentlessly cheerful information booth purporting to take you to a miniature "virtual" world that conflates the internet and a Disney ride.

The kiosk comes complete with advertisements for a fictive "game" called "Take Off Your Pants!" promoted on various sides of the structure in videos of gleeful children playing a nonexistent board game while a cloying jingle loops endlessly. The winner of the game seems to be the one who can get home fastest and take off their pants. Each side of the kiosk relates to the idea of "Take Off Your Pants!" in different media: video, lenticular photos, light boxes and theme music.

But as Disneyland's "It's A Small World After All" is to global politics, so Smith and White's "Take Off Your Pants!" is to the immense subject of the internet. Here they knowingly address internet life and interactivity as it is so aggressively advertised in our culture. While their musical sculpture revolves endlessly, with all of its ballyhoo signaling a world of comfort and entertainment, Smith and White ultimately present the internet in a boiled-down image: that of a man in his underwear, getting his email.