Wim Schippers b. 1942
Stemmen AKA Voices (1972)
Duration: 35 minutes

(Original TV broadcast by VPRO in The Netherlands, 15 March 1972)

A one-acter written by Wim T. Schippers
Directed by Wim van der Linden & Gied Jaspars

Starring: John Soer, Will van Selst, Elisabeth Andersen, Ina van Faassen, Gerard Hartkamp, John Lanting, Carol van Herwijnen, Mieke Bos, Henk van Ulsen & Jacques Plafond.

Another controversial TV play by the unparalleled and inimitable Wim T. Schippers.

A nearly 30 minute long conversation in a living room party. Unlike in a regular TV play the jabber conversation can hardly be understood. Sometimes a line or two can be picked up. There's an intermezzo when Schippers alias Jacques Plafond comes to play one of his 'modern' piano pieces, to the disgust of the party's guests, whose chattering in the end isn't far removed from the piano play.

Don't worry if you don't speak Dutch, it is hardly necessary to understand the humor of this play. Completely unimaginable for a thing like this to be ever broadcasted on public television nowadays, in times of ever increasing commercial stupidity.