Peter Rose
Genesis (1988)

Genesis recounts a story about embodiment "told" using voice synthesis and animation display on a MacIntosh computer. It was installed at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia in 1991. A computer is swaddled in blankets in a small baby carriage. A text appears on the screen that tells the (true) story of a woman who miscarries and keeps the fetus in her refrigerator. The narration is artificial, generated by a speech synthesis program. This voice becomes more human as the story evolves and as our understanding of the power of naming sharpens.

""..... is a very unsettling work that raises difficult questions about technology, virtual communication, ethics, and psychology. In its understated way, it is a horror film that manages to play cognitive games with the viewer while interrogating the construct of presence itself ."
- Dr. Joyce Beamer, Protuberon - Paula Marincola, Artforum