People Like Us (Vicki Bennett) b. 1967
The Doors Of Perspection (2011)
Duration 9'32" minutes

This film was originally screened as part of a solo show of the same name at Vitrine Gallery in London from July-September 2011.

The work is created using a technique that expands film scenes beyond the conventional screen ratio. The finished result reveals beautiful panoramic views of the background landscapes as captured by the panning camera, effectively allowing film scenes to be seen as never before.

Vicki uses digital technology to apply analogue techniques and for more than a decade has used rotoscoping in her short films and live audio‐visual performance to mask, cut and place objects elsewhere on screen. During her commission for The Great North Run Cultural Programme 2009 (resulting work: "Parade") she developed the process for expanding film outside its frame and began work on this new series shortly after.

People Like Us in UbuWeb Sound