
Cesare Pietroiusti (b. 1955)

Eating Money - An Auction (2007) (Paul Griffiths & Cesare Pietroiusti)
Money-Watching (2007)
Pensiero unico (2003)
Untitled (2006)

Cesare Pietroiusti's art practice focuses on problematic and paradoxical situations that are hidden in common relationships and in ordinary acts - thoughts that come to mind without a reason, small worries, quasi-obsessions that are usually considered too insignificant to become a matter of discussion or of self-representation. In 1997 he published Non-functional thoughts (ed. Morra, Naples), a small book containing approximately one hundred useless, parasite or incongruous ideas to be realised as art projects by anyone. Some of these ideas have been executed by artists and curators, such as for the exhibition "Democracy!" (Royal College of Art, London, 2000) and "One hundred things that are certainly not art" (Platform, Vaasa, 2001).

Cesare works with the "Oreste project" a variable group of people (mainly visual artists, but also curators etc.) who try to create free and operative spaces for developing ideas and projects, artworks and exhibitions, through meetings, communitary experiences and any other possibility of relations between persons.