
Jon Moritsugu (b. 1965)

Mommy, Mommy, Where’s My Brain? (1986)
Hippy Porn (1991)

Writer/director JON MORITSUGU has been making films since 1985. In 1989, Village Voice critic J.Hoberman called Moritsugu's Brown University thesis short, DER ELVIS, one of the "Top 50 films of the 80's." Since then his features MOD FUCK EXPLOSION, MY DEGENERATION, FAME WHORE, SCUMROCK, and HIPPY PORN have scorched eyeballs worldwide from Sundance to MOMA to Cannes to the Guggenheim to Berlin to Toronto to name a few. In 1993 James Schamus (Focus Features) produced Moritsugu's PBS television comedy, TERMINAL USA. Moritsugu has garnered critical acclaim and top awards at the New York Underground Film Festival (Best Feature 3 times in a row) as well as the Screenwriting Award at the Austin Film Fest and Oscar consideration for his feature FAME WHORE. He has worked with his wife/leading lady Amy Davis for 20 years. She was co-writer of his last feature, SCUMROCK, as well his newest magnum opus. Moritsugu is currently shopping around this brand new Punk Horror script.

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