Malcolm Le Grice b. 1940
Blind White Duration (1967)

“Firstly it is a film concerned with constructing an experience out of limited perceptions. The viewer is introduced to a limited range of images in short soft fade-ins and outs or quick flashes.

Secondly it is concerned with the light of the projector- the white screen and the white image which emerges out of it. The material was shot in the snow in Jan. ’68.

Thirdly it is concerned with repeats and near repeats in different sequential and superimpositional juxtapositions. Fourthly, with the role of the viewer as a positive constructor of his own experience of the images. And fifthly with the use of the unexpectional images which are not contrived in a studio or dramatic sense.

I think this film might be seen as a more poetic and less dogmatic Vertov-like piece. Vertov himself preditced a kind of iflm which might have visual rhythms and poetic metre. Maybe this is a useful way of thinking about this film.” — M.L.G. -- Lux

This title is available for exhibitions, screenings, and institutional use through
Lux, London. Please visit the LUX Online Collection for further information about this artist and work. The LUX site offers extensive resources for curators, students, artists and educators.