Stewart Home b. 1962
Ut Pictura Poesis (1997)

Duration: 1'07"

This was made as part of the Arts Council funded Blipvert Project in 1997, so it was one of six commissioned pieces cut into the ads at independent cinemas and was seen in that context by an audience of something like three quarters of a million people. It was shot at 50 Beck Road in Hackney (since I appear in it, Nick Abrahams was operating the camera) and edited at Artec at Highbury Corner. It was intended for cinema screening and the "alienation effect" that is integral to it doesn't work outside that context, so it is placed here as a curiousity. This was an attempt to distill the lettrist cinematic experiments of the early 1950s (and in particular the feature length pieces "Has The Film Already Started", "Anti-Concept" and "Screams In Favour Of De Sade") into 45 seconds. Proletarian post-modernism lives on...

Stewart Home on UbuWeb Sound