Gordon Matta-Clark 1943-1978
Office Baroque (1977)
1977-2005, 44 min, b&w and color, sound, 16 mm film on video

Matta-Clark made a cut in a five-story commercial building located in front of the Steen, a tourist spot in Antwerp. (On Matta-Clark's death shortly after, an attempt was made to save the work as a future museum of contemporary art, but the building was demolished.) This tape includes an interview with the artist.

Interview with Gordon Matta-Clark in English.

Camera: Eric Convents. Assistant: Dirk Geens. Audio: Roger Steglaerts. Montage: Roger Steylaerts, Eric Convents. Music: Andre Stordeur "syntheses." Realization: Eric Convents. Producer: E.C.F., Roger Steylaerts. -- EAI

This title is available for exhibitions, screenings, and institutional use through Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), NY. Please visit the EAI Online Catalogue for further information about this artist and work. The EAI site offers extensive resources for curators, students, artists and educators, including: an in-depth guide to exhibiting, collecting, and preserving media art; A Kinetic History: The EAI Archives Online, a collection of essays, primary documents, and media charting EAI's 40-year history and the early years of the emergent video art scene; and expanded contextual and educational materials.