Essentially a summary of work analysis films which were taken by Frank B. Gilbreth between 1910 and 1924 showing a number of industrial operations from which the motion study technique was developed. Pictures a sleepy street in Montclair, New Jersey; the Gilbreth family with nine of their eleven children; and numerous experiments in motion study, including paper box assembly, bricklaying, typing (typewriting), small parts assembly, etc.
Contains selections from the 250,000 feet of 35mm film that Dr. Gilbreth amassed in his analysis and development of time and motion study. The selected films study the methods of various tasks necessary in factory production of and distribution of goods. In addition they demonstrate how Dr. Gilbreth's methods increased efficiency in motion and skill with a resultant increase in productivity in these tasks. Dr. Gilbreth's principles of time and motion study originated at the time of the horse drawn wagon and the invention of the horse-less carriage.