Sue de Beer b. 1973
Silver and Gold (2011)
Playlength: 1 min 40 secs

Silver and Gold is a re-constuction of a lost photograph taken of de Beer's grandmother, when she was in her early 20's. The photograph showed her in a nightgown, combing her hair in front of a mirror. The film takes the moment of the photograph and moves it backwards and forwards in time, marking imagined memories created for an inaccessible subject. "When I walk down the street, I will see someone with a compelling face, and I try to fill them with the experiences I think they might have had. They come in fragments. Images from their mysterious, fragile lives."

These videos are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to Sue de Beer. Used with permission of Sue de Beer.

Used with the kind permission of Marianne Boesky Gallery in NYC and Galerie Christian Ehrentraut in Berlin.