Sue de Beer b. 1973
Disappear Here (2004)
Playlength, 4 mins
Monologue text by Alissa Bennett
Originally an installation: 2 channel video, with sculptural elements.
Shot in NYC, December 2004.

""De Beer does not pass judgment on [her] characters, instead allowing them the space necessary to reach for an uneasy eloquence. The juxtaposition of conversational tics—the everpresent “likes” and “ums” of youthful speech—with a disarming self-awareness makes her portraits of lives in limbo uncommonly convincing. 

De Beer's characters are not only concerned with their futures. Disappear Here, 2004, looks back: The video focuses on the porous border between memory and desire by looking at a teenage girl who recalls a third grade field trip and takes a Polaroid self-portrait. 

De Beer's theatrically stylized videos round out our understanding of the jumbled episodes we've all lived through, humanely outlining their intricate mental and emotional sphere."

-Brian Shollis, ISSUE, Fall 2004


These videos are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to Sue de Beer. Used with permission of Sue de Beer.

Used with the kind permission of Marianne Boesky Gallery in NYC and Galerie Christian Ehrentraut in Berlin.