
Zoe Beloff (b. 1958)

The Dream Films (2009)

The Midget Crane
The Praying Mantis
The Bear Dream
Chasing Louis Schnekowitz
The Lion Dream
The Lonely Chicken Dream
The Abandoned Ark
My Dream of Dental Isrritation
The Bobsled: a recurring dream
The Society Documents Itself

The Days of The Commune (2012)
The Days of the Commune

Zoe Beloff grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1980 she moved to New York to study at Columbia University where she received an MFA in Film. Her work has been featured in international exhibitions and screenings; venues include the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Freud Dream Museum in St. Petersburg, and the Pompidou Center in Paris. She recently participated in the 2009 Athens Biennale, and has an upcoming project with MuHKA Museum in Antwerp. Her most recently completed work is the exhibition "The Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society and their Circle.

Zoe works with a variety of cinematic imagery: film, stereoscopic projection performance, interactive media and installation.Her artistic interest lies in finding ways to graphically manifest the unconscious processes of the mind. She considers herself a medium, an interface between the living and the dead, the real and the imaginary. Sometimes she uses archaic apparatuses, sometimes, new analog/digital hybrids. Each project aims to connect the present with the past, to create new visual languages where modern media will once again be invested with the uncanny. She has collaborated with artists from other disciplines including composer John Cale, the Wooster Group Theater Company and composer, singer and performance artist Shelley Hirsch.

Zoe has been awarded fellowships from Guggenheim Foundation (2003), The Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts (1997) and NYFA (1997, 2001). She has received individual artist grants from foundations that include NYSCA, The Jerome Foundation and Experimental Television Center Finishing Funds Award. She has had residences at Harvestworks Digital Media Arts, Hallwalls in Buffalo and Tesla in Berlin.

These videos are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only.
All rights to this recorded material belong to Zoe Beloff. Used with permission of Zoe Beloff.