Hezraellah lasts for 48 seconds and it's a silent film full of sound and fury and exasperated vehemence. It also "interrogates and interpellates" as another poet said at the end of the last world war, François Dufrêne-who at that time used the words apparently beyond meaning characteristic of the lettrists. Hezraellah is crossed, striped, with breathless barely legible verbal eruptions where the usual linearity of language is lost - but finally hardly less difficult to decode than "current reality" itself, blurred out behind intangible official codes. These words explode on the background of a map of a city like israeli bombs on Beirut. To an Israeli ambassador, speaking of beauvais's film, who might ask him, "You did that?" Yann Beauvais would be able to respond as did Picasso to Otto Abetz on the subject of "Guernica": "No, you did." -Jacques Virbel.
RESOURCES: This UbuWeb resource is curated for UbuWeb by Keith Sanborn