Inspired by the magnificent daylight, All My Life (1966) is a continuous, single-shot film in which the camera pans along a flower lined, weathered fence followed by a gentle, vertical tip skyward. Shot with Ansco film, the colors are magnificent and the accompanying Ella Fitzgerald soundtrack, inspiring.
His passion is alive in his works and is revealed in his need to create. He shares with Scott MacDonald that the decision to make All My Life , was not an easy one. Inspired initially by the light on a beautiful day on the California coast he thought of shooting a film, but the thought of it was tiring knowing how much making a film can take out of you. When Baillie tried to drive away he said "No, I cannot turn my back on this!" and opted to make the film. What an incredible film it is. All My Life is a three minute film shot in one continuous movement panning a fence lined with beautiful red flowers followed by a gentle vertical tip skyward. The soundtrack is the Ella Fitzgerald song "All My Life" that coordinates with the movement of the camera.
Lenny Lipton, Berkeley Barb had this to say, "Yet even though much of his reputation may rest on his multiple imagery compositions, he has the power to create compelling and evocative work of disarmingly simple form, like the superb All My Life."
Baillie describes himself in the early days as being "like a gymnast without any grace." He certainly has grown. These films are full of beauty, light, wisdom and grace.