Reza Abdoh (1936-1989)
The Weeping Song (1991)
Duration: 9 min
Cast: Tom Fitzpatrick, Ken Roht, Anya Lund.

Daniel Mufson: Were you in The Blind Owl?

Ken Roht: Just a small scene. Yeah. But video, you just… Yeah, I was in three of the videos and they… It was fun. It was really… Because it was all spur of the moment and you could create a world. There was a Sleeping with the Devil or something. Have you seen that?

Mufson: Yeah.

Roht: The one where Tom Fitz is in drag and… Is that right? He was in drag and I play this sort of Richard Ramirez character.

Mufson: Uh-huh.

Roht: These sunglasses. And there’s these dildos. Like…

Mufson: No. Maybe I missed that one.

Roht: Liver on his stomach and all this stuff.

Mufson: Uh-huh.

Roht: It was a Richard Ramirez rip-off thing. It was very intense. It was… Maybe it’s The Weeping Song. The Weeping Song?

Mufson: Uh-huh.

Roht: Did you see that one?

Mufson: I saw a couple after he…

Roht: Well that was a vortex. But we all walked away from that really freaked out. It was like… We had like… We had like resurrected some weird dead ghost. It was really intense. But it was nice because there was only three or four of us, you know, kind of doing this weird you know late night project.

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