From a book of prophetic signs written by the Prophet Isaiah June 1843. Miranda Barber.
The original book (198 pages: ink, watercolor, and graphite on lined paper, leather-bound) is a masterpiece of Shaker languaging and iconography. The pre-face reads:
A few words from the Prophet to the Minstry and Elders concerning them.
Orderly beloved Leaders ye chosen Ones of God, I do now by your request,
and in obedience to Holy Wisdom, and all my heavenly Parents, and in union with
all the heavenly hosts, bow my spirit low in humiliation and prayer, and in the solemn fear of God raise my pen, to sign out that which has been shown me by the power of the Almighty. This I do not to please my own sense and cuiousity, but for a solemn warning to all that may hereafter see it. And may wisdom guide my pen and the will of God be done.
These signs I shall show after the order that Wisdom hath commanded, and this is thus to be that no one may know the order, the times and seasons of the Lords work. This I know not, for this they reserve in their power and wisdom, that mortal man may not judge them. Therefore the signs will not be regular as things will come to pass, but scattered.
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