1. Paleolithic Palimpsest, Example 1
  2. Paleolithic Palimpsest, Example 2

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Les Trois Frères, France

There is a sense (always) in which writing and drawing coincide, with both to be understood as primary instances of visible languaging. In the great palimpsests, the overwritings/overdrawings, on the walls of the painted and engraved caves of paleolithic Europe, one sees this process in action & carried forward as it likely was over many generations. The two images presented here were drawn by the Abbé Henri Breuil after a portion of an engraved wall in the "Sanctuary" of the cave of Les Trois Frères in France. For an attempt to read in this and similar paleolithic imagery "the seeds of narrative," the reader can consult Clayton Eshleman’s recently published Juniper Fuse, an excerpt from which appears in the Discourses section of this web site.

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