Sasha Waltz b. 1963
noBody (2002)
Duration: 84 minutes

22. January 2000

»noBody« completes the three-piece choreographic cycle about humans and their bodies which Sasha Waltz has been working on since 1999. In her piece »Körper« she investigates the anatomy and the physical appearance of the human being, relating her dancers' bodies to architecture, science, and history. »S« searches for the origin of life, of Eros, and of sensibility. »noBody« asks about the metaphysical existence of humanity. It addresses the absence of the body, and it confronts us with feelings aroused by our realisation of being mortal. What does being human mean beyond having a body? Which part of us is immortal?« In »noBody« the choreographer, accompanied by 25 dancers, faces the challenge of rendering the non-physical visible through the physical body itself. »noBody« is co-produced by the Festival d'Avignon. In July 2002, the piece was performed eight times at Cour d'Honneur, Pope Palace. Its unique historical setting, together with the Mendelsohnian architecture of the Schaubühne, greatly influenced the development of this production.

A production of Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Berlin presented by Sasha Waltz & Guests in coproduction with the Festival d’Avignon. With the friendly assistance of Folkwang-Hochschule Essen.