Sasha Waltz b. 1963
Körper (2000)
Duration: 58 minutes

22. January 2000

Körper means bodies. Körper engages twelve dancers in a particularly rich variety of movement. Linking architecture and body, Körper asks the questions: What is the body? How is it constructed? The dance analyzes morality, the quest for immortality, and investigates reproduction in the age of genetic manipulation.
Sasha Waltz looks at the bodies in everyday situations. She beserves their matter, their nudity, their rythms. She measures and weighs them, counts hair, pours the liquids out, trades the organs. She arranges the bodies of thirteen dancers in order to create a serie of spectacular tableaux vivants.

A production of Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Berlin presented by Sasha Waltz & Guests, a coproduction with Théâtre de la Ville, Paris.