Wim Vandekeybus b. 1963
La Mentira (1992)
Duration: 50 minutes

Directors: Vandekeybus, Wim and Verdin, Walter
The section of this video which focuses on the contemporary choreographer Wim Vandekeybus, shows excerpts from two of his choreographic works: Roseland and La Mentira. These works (although dating back now to 1992) are still excellent modern day examples of realism in dance. In interview on the tape, Vandekeybus explains how he is concerned with real movements; movements that come out of necessity. He talks about the importance of individual behaviour and action and how this comes to be embedded in his choreography. His dedication to revealing realism in dance is then demonstrated in two short clips from the above works.

This dance for film clearly illustrates Vandekeybus' interest in the real impact of site on movement and the photograph depicted at the top right of the page reveals this relationship. Although the film itself sets out to tell a story and is based upon a narrative, the movements of the performers alongside an equally 'physical' camera provides the viewer with the importance of real intention behind movement and its affect on the environment and vice versa.

This choreographic work by Vandekeybus can be used to illustrate how the physical interaction with the environment produces movement which is necessary for the human body to execute in its given situation as opposed to being fabricated for theatrical effect. The work can also provide a frame in which students can identify characteristics of realism in dance including looking at how the facial expressions, postures, gestures and spatial relationships between the dancers convey this.