Saburo Teshigawara b. 1953
Para-Dice (2002)
Duration: 26 Minutes

PARA-DICE / creation 2002

Choreographer Saburo Teshigawara
Dance performance Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève

Para-Dice, a creation by Saburo Teshigawara for the Ballet of the Grand Theatre of Geneva, offers this Japanese choreographer, who is a real virtuoso of movement, the opportunity to pursue his exploration into dynamics, between the frenzied speed of his most famous works and the absolute inaction in his most recent creations. Para-Dice, the name of his choreography, is a play on words. Between the allusions to paradise and the idea of luck ("dice"; luck of the dice), it perfectly defines his art: “Dance is a sculpture, a sculpture of the air, a sculpture of space, a sculpture of time. I dance to make time disappear, I dance to create time”.

chorégraphie, décors, costumes et lumières Saburo Teshigawara
création sonore Willi Bopp
assistants Rihoko Sato et Ravi Deepres
assistant pour les lumières Simon MacColl
danseurs Céline Cassone, Luciana Reolon, Cécile Robin
Prevallée, Yanni Yin, Grant Aris ou André Hamelin, Giuseppe Bucci, Bruno Roy, Roger Van der Poel

Ballet du Grand Théâtre de Genève

directeur général Jean-Marie Blanchard directeur du ballet Philippe Cohen adjoint du directeur du ballet, régie de scène Vitorio Casarin coordinatrice administrative Sophie Bonaudi maîtres de ballet Martine Clary, Jean-François Kessler pianiste Serafima Demianova régisseur général Philippe Duvauchelle régisseur lumières Rémi Duvauchelle son Jean-Marc Pinget habilleuse Caroline Bault machiniste Daniel Jimeno

production Maison de la Danse date du document vidéo 2006 réalisation vidéo Charles Picq

Durée de l'oeuvre 22m