

Ward Teitz | USA

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La chasse-cueillette (hunting and gathering) (2008)

PULPE, painted Plexiglas, Each letter 12"x57"x.25"

F from FLESH, painted steel, 17"19"'x2.4"

è from flèches, painted wood, 28"x32"x3.5"

p from poudre, painted steel, 25"x34"x4"

Temporary poetic environment consisting of four, large three-dimensional, words (PULPE, poudre, FLESH, flèches) placed in the park around the museum. Installed February 2008 on the grounds of the Villa Bernasconi Museum, Geneva, Lancy, Switzerland, in conjunction with the show MOTS IMAGES PAYSAGES and the Écritures en paysage conference held by the centre de recherché sur les nouveaux espaces textuels (CeRNET) of the University of Geneva.

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