

Riccardo Boglione (b. 1970) | Uruguay

The Perfect Library (2013) [80pp, PDF, 439k]

The Perfect Library. A collection of “Parallax Classics”.
Volume n. 1 is Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-glass hosting another author’s text from the same year, 1871.
2-3 texts per year will be produced, until reaching 10 titles: the perfect détournée library.

Ritmo D. Feeling the Blanks (1999) [116pp, PDF, 684k]

In Ritmo D. Feeling the Blanks, the author has stripped away every last bit of text from Giovanni Boccaccio's contentious 14th-century body of 100 novellas, Decameron. All that remains is the rhythm, spacing and punctuation: the ghost of the text roams around the structure that should contain it. This volume ignites the tension between evocation and erasure of one of the most censored books in history.

Riccardo Boglione (1970) was born in Genoa, Italy. He received his PhD in Romance Languages from the University of Pennsylvania with a dissertation on "Radical Texts in the Italian New Avant-garde". He now lives in Montevideo, Uruguay, where he writes about art for a newspaper and several magazines. His main interests are avant-garde movements and conceptual literature. He is the founder of Crux Desperationis (2011-), first journal devoted to conceptual writing.

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