
Michael Basinski

ΕΣєШЛЕ ovalle ringen heo weore goddey(eo)wlOV 'if heo NeoreNoir to          wamed $$ eeyeowloftion  ęøĚèEĔ°$eåêêÎwS$e$$÷÷÷        EĘĘÈÉÏ

wynter munge wynter wiszhzvwVik’s JuNneni(ke)te W         W    W    W

 »      (   $     ººº  êêìÇz     Ehbùõzz$$EEôúûEH    H   

           OBMUSE     ø¯/ ½         the lotion/lutetion  M             I I            I

  Eearticruerooticrowbeet     earoaretreetseetweelevespot teeth tooth  m

        Apele, AtlanTEve?ISIntercalarx,/ätired to                                            m                                                 BEGIN HERE HEBe  bargin brigoon                                                                  M 

 Spherical, wayting TyrainOpps!sunsweet prune  bragin groombride dis to earse the dies t

     juicepyRrexiform, MaidenFruit                       poem by the replacement of muck much

clylindrie(ric) cuUrved   G    RUEÐìêÎé^ñ¾¤öèþêby the landscape with flower beads

   undifferentiated bit tub vesicle butter    ìëêÔ ¾÷øû¤¤  óêëëêõi »¾ÀÀ å f  w  W  f  w

pm(PMS) addotop(morpf)mpf jittter     ë    Ò      ö    Ø      ¤     ü    fever   o    h   E   o e

 discharge water                                         b      bin before June   h        r   e   N  r  mee

   simple or sympoodially branched            m    beatifi(ch)koatic            H   mmm  m  e

       Cento marinated arti/choke       beet          beeds bee ver       c    o     H   w    s

Hearts                               juyce        "         be eve  r                  r    e e e     w

   tØúÚùü¤      `µêùÀÀ    witches where you com e      ôù    s  m  m    e

          ñêìnitch-ch…ch…ch from e     A     ö       ûúú                     e     m   n

         RAID! Insecticide         o             N              the agony the anger s   Y  I    

          sporangiophoroses Ssips   O      a                  of meaming           m    d

        drink boxes djin,  (aorata)   R      w             and another NN      m i   e  

  ssuccesseve Asso/Orted varioties,M      a             witch is romannce        r

       BejewVVwell the wanton demure        H    m        "    dwynd   

       n  e   b         ë ïï·    w        "    Ж        w       u  m"Ù½wen      "

   i e   w   e    Õ ¯ uîîï "     e        Л     e      m   j a n   Juju juncture jazz

 bd eE  d   ll |½^/$¿  e   MM  ŊŊ  η    m   Jizz one bean of kedney shaped

  b  d      m   üú æ ¾ "  |ôéæ Ð n m     E   "       i        My Favoripe sherbitr

    l          m    ôïüùòo  e            a    d                    d                 z'dØøúÃ

e       l              I    /jošš|  yŸ d        0             Pictsweet whole Okra

       e      öøïФ  Ì||'÷÷÷÷÷ ðÐÏy'0  I      r  g  Looks like a Martion’s

w              Ummms sexual organ’s heVarvest   i   N               beseaching

       i er Mayan City/ been boneless    w(immaculate    "        A      the sea nn M

   N      eep moist for 11 months morphine /mem owlrye   è¤è¤     ÚÚ    for meaning

   D  êï÷úïêVVVVVV11 monks, illmonths,         mm  mm ' lurseaS®ch…ch

 o   Ohvëçû   chonge ovto byrdinsectsi            elffin moths, a    A      M        t

      w -/^ñîÈæà w  é""" õnnieth elfleafen cunts  n    (¤ \)à   h e   

         to   e h  ë÷þÇcrispy classic crinkle cuts  R$$P      oll e n  e P   f o     r s t

thewordonenayde onenite Iamknotts I knownowNot       rip(e)(SSSS (sss

                 h          the time directly before the beginning0do"                              

             n smucker’s jimjam  lmjghh      " zb^³k"""

          e abtacadabra unhooded                            ~   ÈÉ É÷ôûüôòëêêë v    a

               unhooked hawk knotas a leash     you did not know  ^êéçæÉ   a   l

        a lash              tobe upon E ve NN            evewee d.eveweed@ úú m m

new bride’s nude Bird’s Eye                              we loved each öëêèçæ    m   e

 Pasta Secrets    æ ½ò    | \)À©lhhot¤her     ê      é       ô   ý   ÷  orheo i y¤m   s

  ûôö   |         ö      ·             Often undulate, richly, branched,  w  Š  w a   t

é     ù  î   °¯®­uÈn  ½     Egg or lemon-shaped leapord e   w ƒ  e  Kj  u

       /îñô)   ||||ñ        O   Shaped or leotard lizard shaped  049m   p e  s

ÈÉÇssØ      $    j```ù      \ Escaping from a pore     ynrc   mmm  a s

       Ìè)×» "      öùûÇ                      Spherical sessile  c   v   o  0   0  y w

          _½þÙk        ¾             And nested Hidden Valley    y     k¤¤¤ w  w y

   æèêìíд°wy|ÂooGg             Dressing olivine stalks          a       a And heads from     S               Z (SPCA)spccializedLizard INSEA y CT e net in her memory                                             T           e ss    

   Enlarged hyphal cells (foot                  sea        m    o deathless souvenir

      LandOlaLakes   nuclear           weater        0         surreptitiusly

Ore Ida         ncealed sear semblence   tMooootown     "jjl ¾øÖ·

  (ehrtoestat) rugulosus caaaespitosus Casopiaunguis             Ì

flavipes ustus koningi                                           burnt burst the seams of hI sS  L                       

  tamarii sparsus candidus sorry                                 E unNNeasyLocHNess i

I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter                           spray hh    hhhÒt pp

       (M)$maynods                WHO     göùW           arms                    n  ¤   ·

        yu rea(d)l  HuoreCity      èçêëì WeM    and            ¸        ¥            ¢

   ww    wish you hear   0m KILLLED  Ö÷ùüR   leg         m         "           

         tattoed     im       l    ·ÚÚõ÷¤ e              s        µ          ¦

                       l n  hi  ORPHEUS    ?  with                          ¡       es Bak er e

       This cabinette of wenlike tumores            this interruption in thought